How to stay away from colds and flues this winter.




Winter is approaching us rapidly with cold temperature and busy Holiday time. Are you taking extra steps to stay away from colds and flues, prevent yourself from falling off the wagon of your healthy habits?  Yes, there are some people who believe that getting flu vaccine will give them protection in the winter and reduce number of sick days. But there are other folks, including myself, who prefer more holistic and natural preventive measures. Regardless, following few simple steps will help to you to improve the body ability to fight infection or to recover from any sickness faster.

  1. Keep your body warm. Make sure to cover your neck (thyroid gland area) and head (brain) when it is cold to keep warm energy flow in metabolic and temperature control areas.
  2. Eat and drink only warm or hot food and fluids. Any food or drink with lower that body temperature will activate stress respond and lower the immune system. Drinking warm or hot lemon water throughout the day will stimulate lymphatic system alongside the gastro-intestinal tract, which play a primary role in your defense mechanism.
  3. Allow your body to rest by utilizing stress management techniques, proper exercise and good quality of sleep.
  4. Utilize necessary supplements depending on your nutritional and lifestyle habits.
  5. Use food as medicine. Adding warm, sweet and spicy herbs and grounding, cooked root vegetables like squash, yam or pumpkin to your meal will make your body feel satisfied and balanced. Check this winter soup recipe here.