Why Diets Don’t Work: Unraveling the Myth of Quick Fixes In a world obsessed with quick fixes and instant results, the allure of fad diets is ever-present. From intermittent fasting to low-carb […]
The Vital Importance of Managing Weight for Overall Well-being In a world where lifestyle choices and food options abound, the importance of managing weight cannot be overstated. Beyond the aesthetic appeal […]
Alignment with Earth’s Field Earth energy fields, often associated with “Earthing,” also known as “grounding,” which is a practice that involves connecting the human body to […]
The Connection Between Your Emotions and Your Health Our emotions are important messages that are sent to us by our minds about what we need to heal and live happy […]
New Year, New You Can you undo the damage of holiday eating and reset your body ? We know based on previous research that large meals […]
The Power of Vitamin C Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that it dissolves in water and is delivered to the body’s […]
Use your DNA to personalize diet and lifestyle Most people think that we are born with a unique set of genes that come from both of our parents and that […]
Attitude of Gratitude Every year we get together to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family. We give thanks for an abundance of food on our […]
Turmeric – spice and superfood Today I would like to talk about one of my favorite superfood and spice – TURMERIC. Turmeric root comes from Curcuma […]
Fast or Not to Fast Fasting isn’t a diet. The literal definition of fasting is to abstain from food and drink from a specific period of time. […]